Did your dog just eat wood? Or, you are just curious to know what happens if a dog eats wood?
Many things can happen when a dog eats wood if you think about it.
He could break his teeth on the hard piece of wood. Or he might choke on it.
But there is a more serious issue that arises from eating wood. And that’s poisoning.
Dogs are naturally curious animals. And they often try to eat a lot of unwanted substances, which may get them sick. This is especially true for dogs who eat wood because it’s one of the most toxic substances that they can eat.
Before we find out what happens when your dog accidentally eats wood, let me briefly explain why wood is dangerous and why your dog may want to eat it.
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Why Is Wood Dangerous?
Wood is just as dangerous and toxic for dogs as for humans.
A study at Michigan State University found that wood poses a risk to dogs’ health because the wood particles can be lodged in the esophagus, causing a build-up of food and bacteria. If this happens, the wood could cause infection and inflammation, leading to complications like vomiting, diarrhea, and some other diseases.
Why Would My Dog Eat Wood?
It may seem like a crazy question at first, but just like me, I was curious to know why my dog would want to eat wood?
The answer, of course, is because it tastes good. But there’s more to a dog’s wood-eating habit than that.
Lignin in wood
Your dog might like going after your wood furniture because it has a natural sugar called lignin.
When you’re baking something, like a cake or bread, the lignin gives the bread its distinctive brown color. The lignin also provides some of the aroma and flavor in the bread.
It’s not that dogs can’t get enough sugar from what they eat. It’s just that they’re not that picky when it comes to the source of the sugar.
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is one of a dogs’ most common problems when separated from their owners.
When dogs experience separation anxiety, they get anxious and nervous if they are left alone for any length of time.
They may show fear and anxiety by hiding, eating non-edible substances, trembling, licking, and barking.
Most often, separation anxiety is the root of your dog’s behavior. Due to this, dogs chew and eat wood. So when your dog starts acting weird, it’s important to figure out what’s going on.
Pica is a common problem in dogs that causes them to eat items that aren’t food. This can be anything from rocks and sticks to plastic bags, paper towels, and even wood.
The cause of pica is usually unknown, but some things can trigger it. Dogs who are overly stressed or fear being left alone might be more likely to engage in pica.
Now Let’s Find Out What Happens When A Dog Eats Wood?
There are a lot of problems that can happen to your dog if he often eats wood.

Wood can Hurt Your Dog’s Mouth
As dog owners, we have to be concerned with their health and safety. When a dog eats wood, it could have several problems, such as bleeding gums, mouth sores, and infections.
If a dog has already had a toothache, eating wood could worsen it. This is why we should be aware of the dangers of a dog eating wood.
Wood can Cause Intestinal Blockage
So here’s the truth about what happens to your dog when he eats wood.
First, there’s a common misconception that dogs can’t eat wood because it will cause blockages in their intestinal tract. That is not true. It’s also not the only thing that could cause a blockage, but it is a common trigger.
A blockage can happen anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract, from the esophagus (throat) to the anus. The most common places for blockage are the stomach lining, small intestine, or large intestine.
If your dog has a blockage, it could cause vomiting and diarrhea, leading to dehydration and other life-threatening health issues.
What are the Symptoms of Intestinal Blockage in dogs?
Intestinal blockage is a very common problem in dogs, especially if your dog has a sensitive stomach.
Frequent Vomiting
Vomiting is a sign that something is wrong with your pet. It is a very common symptom of intestinal blockage among dogs.
Intestinal blockage can cause frequent vomiting in a dog. The good news is that you can easily find out if your dog is suffering from this conditioning and how to treat it by taking the dog to your veterinarian.
Stomach Pain
Dog stomach pain due to intestinal blockage is a very common and major issue with dogs, and it’s caused by eating wood. It occurs mostly when they eat woody or other types of indigestible vegetation.
Usually, the dog will not feel anything, but if you see your dog whining, crying, or pawing his stomach area, you should seek veterinary attention immediately.
Such conditions can be quite dangerous because there is a chance of the dog developing a potentially life-threatening condition, like colitis, when its intestines become blocked.
Lack of Appetite
The dog’s lack of appetite is a symptom of a blockage in the intestine, preventing food from passing through the stomach and into the small intestine. As a result, your dog may suffer from severe bloating of the stomach, leading to a loss of appetite and weight. A simple solution is to feed your furry a mixture of water and kibble.
How to Stop My Dog from Eating Wood
Eating wood is dangerous for dogs, and it can cause severe problems like stomach issues, intestinal blockage, immune system affection, and many more.
- Clear away sticks and wood:
Remove any sticks or wood from your yard that your dog may be chewing. Also, make sure that there’s no danger of your dog eating your wooden furniture. If you see that your dog has started eating wood, don’t let him have it. Take the sticks and wood away from your yard and put them in a safe place so your dog won’t be tempted to eat them.
- Give your dog chew toys to play with.
Get some soft toys, balls, or other dog toys he likes to play with. You can also get him a Kong chew toy if you want him to chew on something.
- Exercise or play with him:
Exercise and play with your dog. These activities will help your dog learn what is good and bad. You can also use your dog to teach you how to train yourself to be more responsible. You can also use your dog to teach you how to clear away sticks and wood in your yard.
My Dogs Eat Wood, What to Do Now?
We all know many dogs eat wood, but what do you do when it happens? The following is a summary of how to handle a dog that has eaten wood, based on the advice of Dr. Christopher L. Hulsey, DVM, a veterinary gastroenterologist at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine.
- Do not try to treat yourself at home: If you treat your dog yourself, you can cause more damage. If you don’t know what to do, call your vet.
- Do not force your dog to vomit: If your dog is sick, you should not force him to vomit. This could cause more harm than good.
- Do not give your dog anything else: If your dog has eaten wood, you need to stop feeding him anything else.
- Call the vet: Make an appointment with your vet. Tell them that your dog ate wood, and they will need to check him out.
If you have found your dog chewing wood, it’s very important to know what to do. Wood can be toxic to dogs and can cause severe problems to your dog’s health. If your dog is acting weird after eating wood, he may need medical attention, so make sure to get him examined by a veterinarian right away.
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