Every dog loves a very safe place, with a lot of warmth to curl up and feel cozy. So it’s not entirely weird for fido to seek out your bed to cower under. This instinct to hide is usually triggered by certain situations, some of which are more concerning than others.
To avoid getting frustrated trying to coax them out, you should read on to learn some of my best tricks to stop dogs from going under the bed. But first, let’s take a look at the main reasons behind this behavior.
Why Does Your Dog Hide Under The Bed
If you’re wondering why your furry friend spends time under your bed, here are some reasons;

Most times, my chihuahua is always searching for new hiding spaces around my home. And I soon realized she preferred hiding under the bed because, unlike a chair that may be moved often, she can depend on locations such as my bed remaining unchanged. it was more of a private suite to her
When it comes to your dog’s going under the bed, you might think it’s nothing more than a holding cell he can’t wait to get out of. However, your pup probably sees it as her own little safe space, where she can relax without any distractions.
Hiding under the bed is a very common anxiety response in dogs. It is often the first thing to come up when a dog feels uncomfortable. It is also a way to cope with fear and confusion.
The first time your dog experiences a loud noise such as fireworks or a car alarm, he will be terrified and go into hiding. While some dogs may never get used to loud noises, others will learn to ignore them over time. However, even if your dog knows how to deal with loud noises, that doesn’t mean that he won’t become fearful in other situations.
He may prefer to go under the bed when this happens instead of facing whatever makes him nervous. He may also choose to hide under the bed because he feels safer from people who could hurt him.
Dogs have an innate desire to be close to their owners. They want to be near us so they can receive comfort and affection. So when your dog hides under the bed, he’s seeking reassurance from you, just like you would seek comfort from someone else.
Your dog may also seek comfort from the covers and pillows under the bed. These items provide warmth and softness, making your dog feel better about himself.
Injury Or Sickness
Another reason dogs like to hide under the bed is that they’re trying to avoid an injury that just happened. for example, a bee sting. If your dog gets injured while playing outside, he’ll likely try to hide until you notice him.
He may also seek shelter under the bed if he’s sick. Dogs don’t typically show signs of illness unless they’re really ill. So if your dog starts acting strangely by going under the bed, it’s best to take him to the vet right away.
A Change In Your Home
If you usually have a quiet home and suddenly have guests over, your dog will likely have difficulty adjusting to the extra noise. If your dog gets scared, it might try to find a place to hide. It might be in a closet, under the bed, or in the corner of the room. Anywhere to get away from the noise.
They’re Looking For Food
A final reason why dogs love to hide under the bed includes food. Many dogs enjoy eating treats while they’re under the bed. Also, they may have picked something up from the floor and know that no one will disturb them there.
How To Stop Your Dog From Going Under The Bed
Here are 8 helpful tips to keep your dog from hiding under the bed:
Find Out What Triggers The Behavior
First, you need to understand what triggers this behavior. Is it a specific sound? Does he do it every time he hears fireworks? Once you’ve identified the trigger, you can work on finding a solution.
The next step is to create a plan. You can either use a training technique called counter conditioning or simply reward your dog when he stops hiding under the bed.
Create A Safe Place
Once you’ve figured out what causes your dog to hide under the bed and created a plan to fix the problem, it’s time to create a safe space for your dog. This means building a spot where he can safely retreat when he needs to.
You can do this by placing a blanket or towel in a designated sleep spot. Then, put some toys or other things that your dog enjoys in the area. This way, your dog knows that he can always go back to his favorite spot whenever he wants.
Change Your Doggie Bed
It’s possible your furry friend just doesn’t like the bed you got her. I mean, if you’ve only had her a few weeks, it’s possible she’s not had a chance to really form an opinion on your choice of dog beds, so she doesn’t really feel comfortable.
If that’s the case, you can try getting another bed to see if that will solve her going under your bed problem. Ensure that the new bed has enough padding to keep your dog comfortable. You can also help your dog adjust to the bed by placing treats or toys close to the bed so she can get used to the idea of being there.
Visit The Vet If You Suspect an Injury Or Illness
If none of these solutions work, you should visit the vet. Your dog may be reacting to something that is causing them stress, pain or making them think they are not safe.
Should you notice any symptoms of illness such as coughing, vomiting, or any other dramatic behavior changes. You should take your furry friend to the vet immediately. Your dog should stop going under the bed if everything is okay.
Show Your Dog Some Extra Love
Remember, though, that not all injuries require veterinary attention. For example, some minor bumps and bruises don’t warrant a vet trip. So, if your dog seems fine but still goes under the bed, you probably don’t need to take him to the vet. Instead, just give him lots of hugs and kisses and tell him you love him. He’ll eventually come around.
Put Up A Curtain To Block Out the Light
Dogs who spend lots of time under the bed tend to be sensitive to light. So you’ll help your dog get a better night’s sleep by blocking out light.
You can purchase blackout curtains at your local home improvement store to block out light. These curtains completely cover the window and prevent any light from entering. This is especially important if your dog sleeps with you.
Consider Using A Crate
Crates are great because they allow you to control how much time your dog spends under the bed. If you use it correctly, it can give your dog the sense of safety it needs.
Crates are great for keeping your dog calm and relaxed. He can curl up in a cozy place and fall asleep quickly. However, you should not use it as a form of punishment and ensure the crate has enough space to play around.
Use Under-Bed Blockers
This is probably the best method to not worry about your dog going under your bed. Under-Bed blockers deny your pup any space under the bed, and they come in different forms.
You can put items under your bed, but it would be wise to ensure that no part of the items is sticking out. A dog with his head under the bed will push and pull things to get them out of his way. Check under the bed regularly to ensure nothing has fallen out of place.
Let’s take a look at the top bed blockers in the market today
Best Bed Blockers in 2022
1. XIOBTQT Bed Blocker
This is my favorite bed blocker for dogs because it’s adjustable and fits most beds. It’s made of premium BPA-free materials that are safe, odorless, non-allergic, latex-free, waterproof, and firm.
It also comes with a pet bed, a play area, and a barrier. and its design helps keep the toy from slipping out of the blocker when your pet plays with it
I use this particular blocker because it offers complete protection from your pup going underneath the bed or moving around. The product is also designed to protect your furniture from scratching and clawing by preventing toys from getting caught.
2. Gogmooi 6.3 Inches 6 Pcs Under Bed Blocker for Pets
The GOGMOI 6.3 Inches (16cm) 6 Pcs Under Bed Blocks are the perfect solution to keep your dog away from under your bed and comfortable while you sleep. The blocks have a soft, plush surface that makes them easy on your pets’ skin. They’re also machine washable, so they can be used repeatedly.
The 6 Inch Pet Bed Block has an innovative design that allows your pet to walk freely without being trapped under the bed. This feature prevents your pet from chewing up your blankets and pillows and digging through your drawers and cabinets.
3. QIYIHOME Gap Bumper for Under Bed
The QIYIHOME Toy blocker is convenient to keep your pets safe and out of trouble. Made of steel frames and fitted with BPA resin panels, the under-bed blocker is not only stylish but also durable and sturdy.
You can get the under-bed blocker in either white or black, but white is the most prominent choice. And yes, it will blend effortlessly with any furniture. The blocker even has special flaps that perfectly fit any couch or sofa.
4. MISTIC COOL Blocker
The Mistic pet and dog toy blockers are a very simple but highly effective way of keeping your dogs from getting under any piece of furniture in your home. They were created to give you peace of mind knowing that your pets will be contained in their own rooms.
This is great news for dog owners who have a hard time getting their pets to stay out of their beds. A great benefit of these pet and toy blockers is they are removable. This means they can be used to block only one room or all the rooms in the house as needed.
Final Thoughts
You should think about what causes your dog to go under the bed and then create a plan to address that problem. For example, some dogs go under the bed because they are scared, so pet-proofing the area around the bed eliminates the possibility of your dog getting under the bed.
Other dogs go under the bed when they feel anxious, so an extra walk or play session to tire them out is what you need to do. However, if none of these seem to be the solution, consider taking your dog to the vet, as they may be some underlying issues you are yet to figure out.
FAQs On How To Stop Dogs From Going Under The Bed
Yes, under-bed blockers are safe for pets as long as they are used correctly. It is always a good idea to use an adhesive on both the bottom and the sides of the blocker. If your furry friend can chew through the block, she will. So, It is essential to also use an adhesive strip on the top of the blocker because it is where your pet will use his teeth to get the item off of the blocker.
Yes. If your bed is against a wall, there will likely be a gap between the wall and your mattress, box spring, and frame. This gap needs to be blocked off to prevent smaller dogs from crawling into the tiny space. One method of blocking the gap is by using a flat panel door under the bed.
Yes, you can make bed blockers for dogs using DIY methods. Under-bed blockers are made with different materials such as wood, rubber, or plastic. You can even make them out of cardboard. However, always place foam or a folded blanket to provide a soft barrier between the under-bed blocker and the floor.
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